In 1788 there were 55 million hectares of bushland and forests in NSW.

Today less than half remains, much of it degraded by logging and land clearing. Less than 10% of the original old growth forests remain intact.

The NSW government’s state owned logging company logs about 45 football fields per day.

90% or more is left to rot on the forest floor or is exported as woodchip or used for firewood.

The Bush Once Covered New South Wales. Today, Only A Fraction Of IT Remains.

New South Wales’ native forests are being logged at unsustainable levels, currently over 45 football fields a day, meaning little of the original Bush remains.

1Forestry Corporation of NSW 2022/23 Sustainability Report

Wasteful Logging Practices

Around 90% of what is logged is left on the forest floor to rot, wood chipped, exported, or used for fire-wood.

1NSW Forest Carbon: An Effective Climate Change Solution: The Trees Project Report

Native Icons Going Extinct

Logging has destroyed the Koala and Greater Glider habitats, pushing these animals closer to the brink of extinction.

1The Guardian March 2024

2ABC News July 2024

Tax Dollars Wasted

Tax money is used to bail out logging businesses. In the last five years, the NSW state-owned Forestry Corporation lost over $43,000,000 logging native forests. The State government bailed them out.

1Forestry Corporation Annual Report 22/23

Breaking The Law To Log

Australian courts have said Forestry Corporation “has a significant history of unlawfully carrying out our forest operations.” Since 2020, $1.5million dollars worth of fines have been handed out for repeated breaches of the law.

Sensible Alternatives Ignored

95% of timber used to build homes is from pine plantations - not native forests.